Lizard Island (Dyiigurra)

Remote Residential / Topology & Geology

Extraordinary landscapes reimagined

Rich in cultural meaning for the Dingaal Aboriginal people, Lizard Island (Dyiigurra) is located in the northern Great Barrier Reef. Spatial Ops used the scanning technology to capture the extraordinary landscape and rock formations of the island, as well as documenting construction work-in-progress on a private villa designed by JDA Co. As the residence is designed to sit lightly within the pristine landscape, it has been critical that we understand the challenging formation of the rock bed on site prior to detailed design and construction.

Site-responsive design of complex geology

As the residence is designed to sit lightly within the pristine landscape, it has been critical that we understand the challenging formation of the rock bed on site prior to detailed design and construction. Our laser technology has enabled us to explore and design right into the landscape. We also laser scanned building elements, such as the spiral stair formwork, to provide an accurate model to contractors. As all building elements needed to be fabricated off site and shipped to the island, having a precise digital model to work from is vital.

Render by JDA Co.

Adaptation from anywhere in the world

Our experience in scanning on Lizard Island proves the benefits of Spatial Ops technology to scan objects and places around the world. Time on site can be minimised, while analysing the data captured can be processed within a several days after the site visit.

This information can be manipulated for varied uses using relevant software from anywhere in the world. The need to travel to and from hard to access sites and remote locations is obsolete with Spatial Ops' advanced scanning technology and processes.

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